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I follow TON network closely. 💎 It looks like TON Network will make an announcement on April 19, but what is TON Network? Also known as Telegram Open Network (TON), it is an innovative community-driven blockchain with a lot to offer. TON was developed by Telegram to enroll billions of users and enable fast, affordable and efficient blockchain transactions in terms of energy usage. Its features are designed with regular users in mind. TON works on proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism and provides simple-to-use applications, ultra-fast transactions and low fees. It also has a low impact on the environment. Toncoin, the native token of the blockchain on which the TON network operates, can be used for various purposes throughout the TON network. It is also used as payment in DApps. TON is a blockchain network equipped with cross-chain interoperability features that promises high scalability. Toncoin's total supply is 5.1 billion and its market value is around 21.4 billion dollars. It is currently trading at $6.16. TON can process millions of transactions per second and has a scalable structure. It provides interaction between blockchains by working in a secure framework. It is a decentralized and open internet platform, offering users freedom and control. It provides access to a large user base by connecting 800 million Telegram users to the world of cryptocurrency. It becomes attractive to users with its low transaction fees. TON ecosystem includes various applications: Wallets, DeFi protocols, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), games, NFTs and social media. Toncoin can be used to execute smart contracts, use decentralized applications (dApps) and participate in governance. #Toncoin #TON #TonNetwork $TON

I follow TON network closely. 💎

It looks like TON Network will make an announcement on April 19, but what is TON Network?

Also known as Telegram Open Network (TON), it is an innovative community-driven blockchain with a lot to offer.

TON was developed by Telegram to enroll billions of users and enable fast, affordable and efficient blockchain transactions in terms of energy usage. Its features are designed with regular users in mind. TON works on proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism and provides simple-to-use applications, ultra-fast transactions and low fees. It also has a low impact on the environment.

Toncoin, the native token of the blockchain on which the TON network operates, can be used for various purposes throughout the TON network. It is also used as payment in DApps. TON is a blockchain network equipped with cross-chain interoperability features that promises high scalability. Toncoin's total supply is 5.1 billion and its market value is around 21.4 billion dollars. It is currently trading at $6.16.

TON can process millions of transactions per second and has a scalable structure. It provides interaction between blockchains by working in a secure framework. It is a decentralized and open internet platform, offering users freedom and control.

It provides access to a large user base by connecting 800 million Telegram users to the world of cryptocurrency. It becomes attractive to users with its low transaction fees.

TON ecosystem includes various applications:

Wallets, DeFi protocols, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), games, NFTs and social media. Toncoin can be used to execute smart contracts, use decentralized applications (dApps) and participate in governance.

#Toncoin #TON #TonNetwork $TON

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Eigen Labs Strengthens Blockchain with Rio Network Acquisition. 🔥👀⚡ Eigen Labs, a leading force in the blockchain sector, has acquired Rio Network to expand the capabilities of its innovative protocol, EigenLayer. This strategic move brings together the strengths of both platforms, focusing on staking enhancements and multi-chain security. Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) technology, developed by Rio Network, is a cornerstone of this integration. By standardizing liquid restaking across multiple blockchains and utilizing open-source principles, Eigen Labs seeks to deliver a seamless and adaptable staking experience for users across various networks. With the addition of Rio Network's capabilities, EigenLayer can now bolster the security of multiple blockchains simultaneously. This amplified multi-chain security feature holds immense value in the growing decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, where safeguarding assets across diverse platforms is crucial. Eigen Labs exemplifies its dedication to open-source principles by making LRT technology accessible to all. This fosters transparency, community-driven innovation, and widespread adoption, advancing blockchain technology. The acquisition aligns with EigenLayer's mission to optimize staked assets, enhancing flexibility and interoperability compared to traditional staking. It solidifies EigenLayer's position in blockchain and DeFi, offering solutions that elevate network efficiency and utility. Eigen Labs' acquisition of Rio Network marks a pivotal moment in blockchain. The integration of Rio Network's technology strengthens EigenLayer's role in decentralized finance by creating a more interconnected and efficient blockchain infrastructure. This move enhances the potential of staked assets, improving security and usability across platforms. Committed to open-source principles, Eigen Labs underscores the importance of community collaboration in driving innovation. As EigenLayer advances, the blockchain community can expect a more secure, efficient, and interconnected future. #EigenLayer #RioNetwork #EigenLabs
ICBC Report: Bitcoin is 'Digital Gold', Ethereum is 'Digital Oil' 🪙🛢️👀 In a recent report, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) – the world's leading bank – has placed Bitcoin and Ethereum at the forefront of digital assets, referring to them as "Digital Gold" and "Digital Oil" respectively. 🔹Why 'Digital Gold'? ICBC likens Bitcoin to gold due to its scarcity and the intricate mathematical process behind its creation. While acknowledging Bitcoin's diminishing use as a currency, the report emphasizes its growing value as a store of wealth. Advantages over physical gold include its divisibility, verifiable authenticity, and ease of transfer. 🔹Why 'Digital Oil'? Ethereum is crowned "Digital Oil" for its role in fueling the digital economy. Its strengths lie in security, scalability, and sustainability. The flexible architecture, powered by the Solidity programming language and the Ethereum Virtual Machine, enables a wide range of applications. Despite current hurdles, Ethereum's potential in infrastructure projects, beyond DeFi and NFTs, is highlighted, with ICBC anticipating further technological progress. 🔹Market Demand Fuels Digital Asset Innovation The report emphasizes a clear market demand for ongoing innovation in the digital asset space, with both Bitcoin and Ethereum establishing themselves as foundational elements. The current market shows Bitcoin trading at $66,450, a 5% decrease in the past 24 hours, while Ethereum is at $3,500, down over 6% for the day. The ICBC report signals a significant recognition of Bitcoin and Ethereum's importance in the global financial landscape. It remains to be seen how this report will influence future developments and investments in the digital asset space. #bitcoin #BTC #ETH #ethereum #ICBC
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