Binance Square
Aman Sai
The price of $ENA has increased by ~100% since its launch! A wallet deposited 62.5M $ENA($83.75M) to #Binance hours ago. This wallet received the 62.5M $ENA($83.75M) from the Gnosis Safe Proxy wallet of the #Ethena team 4 days ago. 💪🔥 All analysis will share with prime members ✅

The price of $ENA has increased by ~100% since its launch!

A wallet deposited 62.5M $ENA($83.75M) to #Binance hours ago.

This wallet received the 62.5M $ENA($83.75M) from the Gnosis Safe Proxy wallet of the #Ethena team 4 days ago. 💪🔥

All analysis will share with prime members ✅

Aman Sai
$ENA rises 15% as Ethena Labs increases staking rewards. 🚀
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