I'm so rich. That is the one thing I absolutely despise seeing in the space of crypto.
There's two types of people.
People who have absolutely nothing and they work their a** off getting to where they are today.
And then, you know, eventually, every now and then, they want to show off something nice.
They got totally fine. But if I ever see somebody go and be like, oh, I'm so rich.
Like, I'm so rich. Like, I don't care about what you do. I'm so filthy rich. Like, call me Thanos because I'm freaking the whole universe is mine.
Dude, coming from somebody who has money, I don't even think I give a damn about showing off to people that I have money. I don't care. Like, do I have fancy stuff? If I want to get it, sure.
But do not ever forget, like, why are the people who have money? If you don't remain and stay humble when you make it to the top, God is going to take everything away from you in seconds. Nothing. Nothing in this world is more powerful than God. And if you are going to go and degrade people, I'm so rich. You'll never be like me. Dude. sh** up