Binance Square
Bitcoin is facing a potential sell-side liquidity crisis in the coming months as demand for the digital asset reaches unprecedented levels. Monthly demand has surged from 40,000 BTC in early 2024 to 213,000 BTC currently, driven by the rise of Bitcoin ETFs in the US and large holders like whales. Meanwhile, sell-side liquidity continues to decline, with the amount of BTC at sell-side liquidity entities dropping from 3.5 million BTC in March 2020 to around 2.7 million BTC. CryptoQuant analysts estimate that the current Bitcoin sell-side liquidity inventory can only cover demand for six to twelve months. This could lead to a plunge in liquid inventory, potentially driving Bitcoin's price higher. As demand continues to soar and sell-side liquidity falls, the liquid inventory of Bitcoin has reached its lowest level ever in terms of monthly demand.

Bitcoin is facing a potential sell-side liquidity crisis in the coming months as demand for the digital asset reaches unprecedented levels. Monthly demand has surged from 40,000 BTC in early 2024 to 213,000 BTC currently, driven by the rise of Bitcoin ETFs in the US and large holders like whales. Meanwhile, sell-side liquidity continues to decline, with the amount of BTC at sell-side liquidity entities dropping from 3.5 million BTC in March 2020 to around 2.7 million BTC.

CryptoQuant analysts estimate that the current Bitcoin sell-side liquidity inventory can only cover demand for six to twelve months. This could lead to a plunge in liquid inventory, potentially driving Bitcoin's price higher. As demand continues to soar and sell-side liquidity falls, the liquid inventory of Bitcoin has reached its lowest level ever in terms of monthly demand.

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