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The anticipation for a spot #Bitcoin ETF is beyond what happened for the oil & gold ETFs.
It is unprecedented - CNBC
Me : still waiting for big news
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Solv Protocol x Binance Web3 Wallet (Recommend Airdrop) 💎 Hadiah total: 150,000 $SOLV ➡️ Sebesar 0.15% dari total supply, kalo Mcap saat list $1.5B maka harga 1 SOLV = 10$ ~ Berarti hadiah sekitar $1.5 juta 🗓 END: 17 Juni 23.59 UTC Tutorial Langkah Demi Langkah 1️⃣ Siapkan wallet web3 Binance 2️⃣ Siapkan BTCB & BNB ke wallet mu 3️⃣ Depositkan sebesar 0.0001 BTB ke SOLV Protocol 4️⃣ Buka banner promosi Solv protocrol, kirim detail disana Cara mendapat BTCB 1️⃣ Beli BTC di market spot Binance, lalu kirim ke wallet Binance webe, gunakan network Binance smart chain 2️⃣ Setelah itu BTC akan langsung otomatis menjadi BTCB ___ ✔️ INFO SOLV PROTOCOL: Solv Protocol adalah protocol yield Kripto yang didukung oleh desentralize finance. Solv didukung oleh Binance Labs, NOMURA Group, Mirana, Blockchain Capital, dan banyak lagi. Solv telah mencapai TVL lebih dari $122 juta, memberikan hasil berkualitas tinggi kepada lebih dari 35.000 pengguna. Official Announcement & Tutorial
#BTC #BTCETFSPOT I think that is the final Amandment..🔥🔥🔥 Source : BTC_Archive (X)
#BTC #BTCETFSPOT Who want to buy BTC? Blackrock? Now until 10th January is Big day, don't forget.
I found unique project call IERC20. This project combines PoW & DPoS consensus This is very unique where two consensus concepts are integrated in one mechanism to encourage fairer output Beside that, IERC20 can reach a TVL of up to $25M (When this post was created) and total stakers of up to 1989 participants Many big project collaborated with IERC20, like Swagga, Sparkle, MM3, Hella labs and more. For their latest updates, you can join their Telegram : IERC20OFFICIAL Website : #BTC #ERC-20
#bitcoin #BTC Economists have warned that Fitch's U.S. rating downgrade may accelerate the dedollarization process. $USD Source : Twitter btctn Need $BTC
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Nasdaq to Establish Second U.S. Headquarters in Texas
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