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The Hong Kong Digital Asset Confederation (HKVAC) has announced a rebalancing of its index. According to the announcement, HKVAC added XRP and removed USDC. Exchanges in Hong Kong can only list coins that are on at least two indexes. Below is a list of HKVAC coins: #bitcoin (BTC) #Ethereum (ETH) #Tether (USDT) #BNB Chain (BNB) #XRP

The Hong Kong Digital Asset Confederation (HKVAC) has announced a rebalancing of its index. According to the announcement, HKVAC added XRP and removed USDC.

Exchanges in Hong Kong can only list coins that are on at least two indexes.

Below is a list of HKVAC coins:

#bitcoin (BTC)

#Ethereum (ETH)

#Tether (USDT)

#BNB Chain (BNB)


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