Binance Square
🚀 Zimbabwe's Reserve Bank (RBZ) has launched gold-backed digital token ZiG to lure local investors away from US dollars. ZiG tokens can be stored in e-gold wallets or cards and used for P2P and business transactions. With prices based on gold reserve weight, 1 ounce of ZiG costs $1,910, while 0.1 ounce is $191. Since its launch, investors have bought 17.65 kg of ZiG, bringing the total sold to around 350 kg of gold. RBZ hopes ZiG will help stabilize Zimbabwe's currency amid ongoing inflation and volatility. 💰💪

🚀 Zimbabwe's Reserve Bank (RBZ) has launched gold-backed digital token ZiG to lure local investors away from US dollars. ZiG tokens can be stored in e-gold wallets or cards and used for P2P and business transactions. With prices based on gold reserve weight, 1 ounce of ZiG costs $1,910, while 0.1 ounce is $191. Since its launch, investors have bought 17.65 kg of ZiG, bringing the total sold to around 350 kg of gold. RBZ hopes ZiG will help stabilize Zimbabwe's currency amid ongoing inflation and volatility. 💰💪

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