Binance Square
*1 rule if you want to get rich with #crypto: Do NOT follow the masses. 99% of people lose money in crypto, so what do you think will happen if you follow their moves? Instead, do the opposite. If one of your favorite altcoins is dropping because everyone is selling, buy. If it’s going up because everyone is buying, sell. It’s simple. Make your plan and stick to it. #dyor #NFA✅

*1 rule if you want to get rich with #crypto: Do NOT follow the masses.

99% of people lose money in crypto, so what do you think will happen if you follow their moves?

Instead, do the opposite.

If one of your favorite altcoins is dropping because everyone is selling, buy. If it’s going up because everyone is buying, sell.

It’s simple.

Make your plan and stick to it.

#dyor #NFA✅

Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: vključuje mnenja tretjih oseb. Ni finančni nasvet. Lahko vključuje sponzorirano vsebino. Glejte Pogoje.
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