Binance Square
Binance Square Official
We’re giving away $150,000 in $BNB to make your Christmas wishes come true 🎅 Six of you stand to win $25k each, and here’s how: 🔸 Follow us @Binance_Square_Official on Binance Square 🔸 Quote this post, share your wish with #BinanceWish and mention 2 friends in your post. We’ll pick 6 to win across all our platforms, with 2 lucky ones chosen from Binance Square, so think big & be creative! Find the T's&C's and further details on how to enter 👉🏻 [BinanceWish Announcement](

We’re giving away $150,000 in $BNB to make your Christmas wishes come true 🎅

Six of you stand to win $25k each, and here’s how:

🔸 Follow us @Binance_Square_Official on Binance Square

🔸 Quote this post, share your wish with #BinanceWish and mention 2 friends in your post.

We’ll pick 6 to win across all our platforms, with 2 lucky ones chosen from Binance Square, so think big & be creative!

Find the T's&C's and further details on how to enter 👉🏻

BinanceWish Announcement

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