Binance Square
🌋 El Salvador launches Lava Pool, its first-ever Bitcoin mining pool, in collaboration with Luxor Technologies! The initiative aims to decentralize mining and leverage the country's renewable energy capacity. ⚡ Key points: - Lava Pool combines miners' computational power to boost odds of gaining Bitcoin rewards 🏆 - Full Pay Per Share payment model aims to attract smaller operators 💰 - Renewable energy output projected at 241 megawatts, benefiting local communities 🌞 What are your thoughts on El Salvador's push for renewable energy in Bitcoin mining? Share in the comments! 👇

🌋 El Salvador launches Lava Pool, its first-ever Bitcoin mining pool, in collaboration with Luxor Technologies! The initiative aims to decentralize mining and leverage the country's renewable energy capacity. ⚡

Key points:

- Lava Pool combines miners' computational power to boost odds of gaining Bitcoin rewards 🏆

- Full Pay Per Share payment model aims to attract smaller operators 💰

- Renewable energy output projected at 241 megawatts, benefiting local communities 🌞

What are your thoughts on El Salvador's push for renewable energy in Bitcoin mining? Share in the comments! 👇

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