se estão dando lances de milhares de pi por Domínios de Internet .
GCV 1pi $314,159 X 45,000 por um domínio de Internet faz sentido ?? não !¡!
o leilão teria que começar por centavos de pi
pi 0.005 pi por lance de compra de domínios
se na Ásia compram carros de luxo por pi 0.5 pi
#pi casas como essa gcv pi pagam 5 pi por casas como essa da foto na Ásia .
Domínios X 10 pi pct ? #Binance . entendo porque Binance não lista pi . discrepância muito alta de valores $ entre picoreteam & comunidade GCV pi $USDC
#pi EM BREVE OPEN MAINNET PI NETWORK. Aprenda o que é pi network : Pi não é apenas um sonho. É trabalho duro de Desenvolvedores BLOCKCHAIN,
Aqui está um resumo da tecnologia Pi Network criada para revolucionar o mundo digital:
1. Super Cadeia: Código Fonte + Nó + Carteira + Block Explorer = Construir, Possuir, Gerenciar e Compartilhar.
2. Construção Web3.0: Tecnologia Aberta, Privada e Descentralizada. Web3.0 é um recurso comum que funciona como uma organização separada e independente.
🦾 A Força do XRP Rumo a US$ 5 – Previsão Para 2030! Será Que Vai Explodir? 💣
🔮 Previsão de Preço Para 2025/2030 Após Vitória Contra a SEC! 🚀 O XRP está cada vez mais forte e prestes a romper novos patamares! Com a SEC desistindo do processo contra a Ripple, o mercado reagiu rapidamente, e o preço do XRP disparou 9% em poucos minutos. Mas isso é só o começo! A Ripple Labs está expandindo sua influência global e agora anunciou a Ripple Custody, um serviço voltado para instituições financeiras que oferece armazenamento seguro de criptomoedas. Com isso, o XRP se fortalece ainda mais no cenário global, abrindo espaço para um crescimento explosivo.
🤩 Agora, a pergunta que todos fazem: o XRP vai finalmente chegar a US$ 5? Ou pode ir ainda além? Vamos analisar as previsões para 2025/ 2030 . 🔥 O Que Está Impulsionando o XRP Agora?
📈 Preço Atual: O XRP está em alta e sendo negociado a US$ 2,50, com um grande suporte de compra. ⚡ Resistência-chave: Se o impulso continuar, o XRP pode atingir US$ 2,64 nas próximas semanas. 📉 Suporte: Caso enfrente uma correção, os principais suportes estão em US$ 2,26 e US$ 2,23. Vamos às projeções!
🚀 Previsão de Preço do XRP Para 2025 O XRP está no radar de grandes instituições, e há vários fatores que podem levar o preço a novos patamares: ✅ A SEC já reconheceu o potencial do XRP para liberar liquidez em contas bancárias nos EUA. ✅ A Franklin Templeton está trabalhando em um ETF de XRP, que pode ser listado na Cboe BZX Exchange. ✅ A Ripple recebeu aprovação da DFSA (Dubai Financial Services Authority) para operar pagamentos criptográficos no Oriente Médio. 🔎 Além disso, dados on-chain mostram um forte fluxo de saída de XRP das exchanges, o que indica que grandes investidores estão acumulando. Entre 1º e 11 de março, cerca de 501 mil tokens XRP saíram das exchanges, enquanto apenas 482 mil entraram – um sinal claro de que os investidores estão apostando em valorização!
🤑 O Que Esperar do XRP em 2025? 🤩 Se tudo correr bem: O XRP pode atingir US$ 5,81 até o final do ano! 🤩 🚨 Se houver desafios: O XRP pode se manter entre US$ 2,30 e US$ 4,89, com um preço médio esperado de US$ 4,89.🤑
📈 XRP Entre 2026 e 2030 – O Que Vem Por Aí? Olhando para os próximos anos, o XRP tem um caminho promissor, com crescimento contínuo de adoção e regulamentação mais clara. Se a Ripple expandir suas parcerias globais e mais bancos começarem a usar o XRP para liquidações internacionais, o preço pode continuar subindo. 💰 Para 2026, o XRP pode se manter acima de US$ 5,60, podendo chegar a US$ 8,64 com um mercado otimista. 🚀 Em 2027, com a adoção institucional avançando, o preço pode variar entre US$ 7,15 e US$ 12,25. 🌎 Até 2028 e 2029, a faixa de preço projetada está entre US$ 11,30 e US$ 21,12, dependendo do crescimento do ecossistema Ripple. 🔥 E em 2030? O grande ano da virada! Se a Ripple continuar dominando o setor financeiro blockchain, o preço do XRP pode atingir até US$ 26,97! 📊 Média projetada para 2030: US$ 19,87
🤩 XRP Depois de 2030 – O Futuro é Bilionário? Se olharmos ainda mais à frente, o XRP pode se tornar um dos ativos mais valiosos do mercado, competindo diretamente com o Bitcoin e o Ethereum. Aqui estão algumas projeções para o longo prazo: 💎 2031: O XRP pode ultrapassar os US$ 34,94 com adoção institucional global. 💎 2033: Preços projetados entre US$ 35,61 e US$ 47,81, dependendo do crescimento do mercado cripto. 💎 2040: Com ampla adoção, o XRP pode chegar a US$ 178,82! 💎 2050: Se tornar uma reserva de valor global? O preço pode explodir para US$ 525,69!
🔥 XRP a US$ 5? Sim ou Não? A resposta é sim, e com grande potencial de ir muito além! Com a vitória contra a SEC, a Ripple Custody e a entrada de grandes instituições financeiras, o XRP tem um caminho sólido para se valorizar. A marca de US$ 5 parece totalmente alcançável até 2025, e US$ 26 até 2030 não seria um exagero. 💬 Agora é com você! O que acha dessas previsões? O XRP pode realmente dominar o mercado financeiro global? Comente abaixo e compartilhe este artigo com outros investidores! 🚀🔥 $XRP — A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos Estados Unidos (SEC) decidiu desistir de seu recurso contra a Ripple, a principal fornecedora de infraestrutura de ativos digitais para serviços financeiros. Este anúncio foi feito em uma publicação no X pelo CEO da Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, que saudou a decisão como uma vitória significativa para a empresa e para o setor de criptomoedas em geral. — A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos Estados Unidos (SEC) decidiu desistir de seu recurso contra a Ripple, a principal fornecedora de infraestrutura de ativos digitais para serviços financeiros. Este anúncio foi feito em uma publicação no X pelo CEO da Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, que saudou a decisão como uma vitória significativa para a empresa e para o setor de criptomoedas em geral.
pi THE ONLY POSSIBILITY FOR GCV TO SUCCEED, @PICORETEAM, IS TO PUT PRODUCTS ON SALE WITH GCV VALUE. //Otherwise, GCV will die. /COMMUNITY 1PI 314,159 @PICORETEAM 1PI = 1$USD / IT DOESN'T WORK ........ COMUNIDADE e picoreteam falarem a mesma linguagem em relação ao preço de pi
Comunidade quer 314,159
picoreteam 1pi 1$USDC . precisamos do consenso de preços . para pi ganhar credito nas Cex .
📢 Excluding wallets of the Pi Core Team, locked PI, and unlocked PI that users have not yet claimed, the total circulating supply is 1,310,813,715 PI with 12,497,474 accounts.
🔹 PI currently on exchanges: 297,143,432 PI 🔹 PI circulating outside exchanges: 1,013,670,283 PI (including whale wallets) 🔹 Whale wallets (≥1M PI each, excluding Core Team, exchanges, and locked PI): 14 accounts holding 168,063,016 PI (✅ already included in circulating supply) 💡 Note: Some unlocked PI that users have not yet claimed is not included in this statistic. What other statistics or insights would you like to see? 🤔📈
📢 Excluding wallets of the Pi Core Team, locked PI, and unlocked PI that users have not yet claimed, the total circulating supply is 1,310,813,715 PI with 12,497,474 accounts.
🔹 PI currently on exchanges: 297,143,432 PI 🔹 PI circulating outside exchanges: 1,013,670,283 PI (including whale wallets) 🔹 Whale wallets (≥1M PI each, excluding Core Team, exchanges, and locked PI): 14 accounts holding 168,063,016 PI (✅ already included in circulating supply) 💡 Note: Some unlocked PI that users have not yet claimed is not included in this statistic. What other statistics or insights would you like to see? 🤔📈
por via das dúvidas mubarak . poderá ser listada. aqui. cz. esta dando vez aos meme. na bsc ... tudo é aposta. .. tenho. o minimo. 5 $ comprado a 0.01.
Krypto_ Alchemy
🚨 Do You Also Think Something Is Strange?
A trader made $1.1 million with just $232. This kind of story always surprises me, and honestly, it's shocking. He spent only 0.4 BNB ($232) to buy 10.5 million mubarak tokens. He sold part of his holdings for 576 BNB ($363,000) and still holds 5.16 million mubarak tokens, worth $764,000, spread across three wallets.
I find it odd how these coins suddenly become famous, and initial investors make millions. How do they know where to invest? If I see a random coin launched a minute ago, why would I spend money on it, believing it’ll hit a million-dollar market cap? Even with influential support, it’s hard to trust. When CZ posted about "Mubarak," people immediately launched a coin. It’s not like he didn’t know this would happen. We’ve seen this pattern for so long—whatever CZ or other influencers say, multiple coins pop up. But with the same name, dozens of coins trend simultaneously. Who are these initial investors who trust these coins enough to earn millions? Earlier, this trend was on platforms like, and now bnb Chain is in the spotlight. Every time I see a new coin spike to millions, I’m left surprised. How does one coin stand out among thousands? Sometimes I think those with money or influential teams might be involved. They create new accounts, and suddenly, one coin trends. Everyone rushes toward it, and the cycle continues. Yesterday, when CZ announced he’d buy 1 bnb of a coin, its price surged even more. Now, Binance has launched it in futures. This isn’t a one-time thing. How does one coin stand out among thousands? Obviously, the one with more investors gains traction, but I doubt we know the full story. What’s your take? Do you think there’s more behind these sudden memecoin surges? Share your thoughts!
pois é para os pioneiros não é sobre esperar, isso nos já aprendemos a esperar pacientemente , o problema agora é falta de perspectivas
Crypto House_Global
Pi Network Price Drops 17%: Reasons Behind the Decline of Pi Coin
Pi Network’s price has dropped more than 17% today, causing concern among investors about the future of Pi Coin. Despite significant interest from the community, the cryptocurrency has faced considerable losses recently, mainly due to the lack of major announcements and updates related to the token. In this context, a Pi Coin enthusiast has pointed out the key reasons behind the recent market sell-off.
Pi Network was one of the biggest decliners in the crypto market today. Pi Coin’s value dropped by over 17%, to $1.16, while its daily trading volume increased by 54%, reaching $551 million. The main cause of this decline is the unlocking of a large number of Pi tokens, which increases supply and puts pressure on the price.
Investor concerns over Pi Coin’s long-term sustainability have grown as the price has fallen sharply. A major factor contributing to this is Pi’s failure to secure a Binance listing, despite 86% of its community voting in favor. This rejection has eroded investor confidence in the project. Additionally, the Pi Core Team failed to deliver any major updates during Pi Day, a crucial event for the community
Many early miners, who have supported the project for years, are now openly criticizing the development team for the lack of visible progress, especially after six years of development. Unmet expectations are causing growing frustration among investors.
A major complaint from Pi Coin investors is the absence of a clear roadmap for the Open Mainnet launch. Unlike other crypto projects that offer transparent timelines, Pi Network has been vague about its future developments. This lack of clarity has led to growing skepticism, with some fearing the project may never achieve full decentralization.
In a recent post, Pi enthusiast Dr. Altcoin pointed out that the coin’s ranking has fallen to #13, with its price dropping below $1.30. He emphasized that the declining value reflects the community’s disappointment with the project’s progress. Without a clear roadmap, investors remain hesitant, leading to more sell-offs.
The Pi Network community is calling for immediate action from the core team. Investors believe that for Pi Network to regain momentum, the team must address the lack of trust by:
Releasing a clear Open Mainnet roadmap. Launching the long-awaited 100 decentralized applications (DApps). Disclosing key investors and partnerships. According to Dr. Altcoin, these steps are crucial in restoring faith in the project and preventing further price declines. Without transparency and real progress, Pi Coin risks losing more support. However, a recent Pi price analysis suggests a potential 3X rally if Binance lists the token on its platform.
única verdade a equipe pi não autoriza ninguém falar por eles a conta oficial de pi mais usada é a do x @picoreteam , 4 milhões seguidores
Part II
8) Why does the pi network have so many haters? There are several reasons, some of them are the following.
-There are people who are confused and think that the app is equivalent to other apps (telegram etc). -Lack of basic knowledge of how cryptos work. -Many people who simply want to say something, let's not forget that the empty tin-pots are the ones who make the most noise. -Many "specialists" they missed the opportunity to be a member of the project so they blame it. - People who tried to fool the pi community by having multiple accounts but failed to do so due to the strict KYC check. - Surely there will be other reasons that I have not yet identified, but when I clarify it I will share it with you.
9) Why doesn't pi coreteam make more announcements and feed the haters or leave the true pioneers in suspense?
It is a fact that the support team is suffering quite a bit. I was one of those who at some point thought that something was wrong and the reason was that while I followed all the rules of the network, the KYC from time to time became tentatively approved and after a while I became successfully approved. This happened 3-4 times and created a lot of insecurity for me. In the end, everything was successfully completed and now my account is fully approved. In general, there could be better information from the pi coreteam team. Maybe an official technical support would be a good idea. But to speak the language of truth i ve never seen Shatoshi post something.
10) Will it make us millionaires?
No one knows the future. The project certainly shows great promise since in 20 days it managed to become the number 11.
11) Will there be a listing on binance? No official announcement has been made
12) Does pi Core Team took pi from wallets to return it to app? No. In some accounts BEFORE the migration, the coins returned to the application for technical reasons. The biggest lie of all is that some claim that the coins returned after the transfer to the wallet had been made. once the coins are in the wallet, NO ONE can violate or interfere with
1) para novatos. a comunidade tem uma expectativa muito alta de preço para pi / picoreteam tem o objetivo de ganhar dinheiro através de cobrar taxas de utilização da rede exemplo
🚨 $PI IS RACING TOWARDS $1! 🚨 The big question on everyone’s mind… Will $PI stay below $1 or BREAK THROUGH? 🪙🔥
✅ The Pi Network is gaining traction 🌐📲 ✅ More people are mining and transacting 🛠️💰 ✅ Speculation is heating up in the community 🔥👀
➡️ Psychological barrier 🧠💡 ➡️ Stronger market confidence if it breaks 🚀 ➡️ Could trigger more buyers to jump in 🏃♂️💸
🔹 Below $1?
Early-stage project ⏳
Still building utility & adoption 🛠️
Market volatility 📉
🔸 Above $1?
Growing user base 🌍
Mainnet launch & real-world use 💼
Big potential as the network expands 🚀
What do YOU think? 🤔👇 ➡️ Will $PI stay under $1? ➡️ Or is it about to break out and head to the moon? 🌕🚀
Drop your predictions below! 🗣️💬 #PiNetwork #PiToOneDollar #CryptoCommunity #PiArmy $XRP $ETH $BNB
FOR @PICORETEAM, pi is so undervalued that you need 10. pi to buy an internet domain // do not act against the objects of the pioneers pct pi. /// want pi valued 0.0005. domínio
🔥 Pi Network to $10? Binance Listing & Trump’s Crypto Move Fuel Hype! 🔥
Pi Coin is surging amid rumors of a Binance listing and Trump’s pro-crypto push! Currently at $1.33 with a $9.23B market cap, could Pi hit $10 by 2026? 🚀
86% of traders want Pi on Binance, but will it happen? If so, massive gains could follow! 📈 #PiCoreTeam Would you invest in Pi? Drop your thoughts! 👇
FOR @PICORETEAM, pi is so undervalued that you need 10. pi to buy an internet domain // do not act against the objects of the pioneers pct pi. /// pioneers want pi valued 0.0005. pi for 1 internet domain #PiNetwork2025 $DGB
o picoreteam, ainda não caiu na realidade que pi está listada em cex. o mercado precisa de informações concreta
Pi Network: Second Migration Remains a Mystery 🤔🚀
The Pi Network has made significant strides with the launch of its Open Mainnet on February 20, 202. However, many Pioneers are still awaiting clarity on the second migration process, which remains shrouded in uncertaint. Current Status: Open Mainnet Launch: The Open Mainnet became operational on February 20, 2025, allowing Pioneers to engage with the broader Pi ecosystem.KYC and Migration Deadlines: The Pi Network extended its KYC and Mainnet migration deadlines to March 14, 2025, providing additional time for Pioneers to complete necessary verifications.
The Unanswered Questions: Despite these advancements, several pressing questions remain: When will the second migration occur? While a new feature has been introduced to facilitate subsequent migrations, specific timelines for the second migration have not been clearly communicated. What is the status of unverified balances? Many Pioneers are concerned about their unverified balances, seeking clarity on when these will be addressed.
The Need for Transparency The Pi Network community has shown remarkable patience and dedication. To maintain trust and engagement, the Core Team should consider: Providing a detailed roadmap: Clear timelines for upcoming migrations and feature rollouts would help manage expectations.Regular updates: Consistent communication regarding progress and any potential delays can foster trust within the community.Clarifying unverified balances: Addressing concerns about unverified balances and outlining steps to resolve these issues is crucial.
Conclusion: The Pi Network stands at a pivotal juncture. By addressing these unresolved issues with transparency and clear communication, the Core Team can reinforce the community's trust and ensure the project's continued success.
Community Feedback: Pioneers, what are your thoughts on the current state of the Pi Network? Are you satisfied with the progress, or do you have concerns about the unresolved issues? Share your perspectives below! 👇