$BAKE to $1
BakeryToken (BAKE) is a part of the BakerySwap ecosystem.
Liquidity providers are rewarded with BAKE tokens which can be used to earn a share of BakerySwap’s trading fees and to participate in voting as part of BakerySwap’s governance process.
BakerySwap is a decentralized automated market-making (AMM) protocol that is based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
The BAKE token is a native BEP-20 governance token on the platform.
presently BAKE is having total supply of 289million tokens and a market cap of $30m.
bake token at $1 is achievable if the market cap rise to around $300m, which is very realistic before the next bull market due to the user case and utility behind bake Tokens.
buy and hold for more profitable business .