According to CoinDesk, Marathon Digital is set to launch Slipstream, a new service aimed at expediting the processing of large or non-standard Bitcoin transactions. The company claims that Slipstream will make the confirmation of such transactions easier, reducing delays and complications users often face. If a complex transaction meets Marathon's minimum fee threshold and adheres to the network's consensus rules, the miner will add the transaction to the members pool or mempool for mining.

Marathon will be the first publicly traded mining company to offer such a product, as it owns its own mining pool, MARA Pool. The company states that it can customize its pool's settings to accept more diverse transactions due to its sole miner status in its own mining pool. However, this customization raises concerns about censoring user transactions, a topic that has been hotly debated recently. Marathon assures that transactions submitted through Slipstream will be subject to certain terms of service, which prohibit unauthorized copyrighted material and objectionable material.

The need for such a service exists because other mining pools do not offer similar products in a standardized, accessible manner, according to Marathon. Some pools may accept these transactions, but often through channels such as email or direct messaging on social media platforms. Marathon's chairman and CEO, Fred Thiel, believes that Slipstream is mutually beneficial for the industry and the organization.