BTC-USDT is up 0.26% in the past 24 hours, with a trading volume of 614,837,716 USDT. The price is currently trading at 29,365 USDT. The market buy/sell ratio is 49.52%/50.48%. The total supply of BTC is 21 million, and the circulating supply is 19.4 million. BTC's all-time high was 69,000 USDT, and it is currently down 57.41% from its all-time high. In the past hour, BTC-USDT has decreased by 0.02%. In the past 7 days, BTC-USDT has increased by 0.71%. In the past 30 days, BTC-USDT has decreased by 3.93%.

Overall, BTC-USDT is up in the past 24 hours, but it is still down significantly from its all-time high. The market buy/sell ratio is relatively balanced, and the trading volume is high. This suggests that there is healthy interest in BTC-USDT.

BTC-USDT ON #Binance LAST 24h :

  • Price: 29,365 USDT

  • 24h Change: 0.26% (up)

  • Volume: 614,837,716 USDT

  • 24h Low: 29,033 USDT

  • 24h High: 29,530 USDT

  • 24h Buy Worth: 303,866,439 USDT

  • 24h Sell Worth: 309,754,113 USDT

  • Market Buy: -4.21%

  • Market Sell: -12.64%

  • Total Supply: 21 million

  • Circulating Supply: 19.4 million

  • All Time High: 69,000 USDT

  • Down from ATH: -57.41%

  • 1 Hour Change: -0.02% (down)

  • 7 Days Change: 0.71% (up)

  • 30 Days Change: -3.93% (down)