Binance Square
The dYdX community has approved a proposal to stake 20 million DYDX tokens to bolster the security of its decentralized crypto exchange (DEX). The move comes amid a surge in trading activity on the platform. dYdX highlighted the need for enhanced security measures due to rising deposits and trading volumes. The platform currently has a total value locked (TVL) of around $140 million, with over 114 million DYDX tokens staked. The proposal noted that despite the staking activity, the rate of DYDX staking had reached a plateau. The team expects continued growth due to the increasing popularity of dYdX v4 and recent market volatility. Staking native tokens is a strategy to protect the network against potential 51% assault-style control attempts. On April 6, the proposal to stake tokens from dYdX’s community treasury, valued at over $61 million, was approved with a 91.7% majority. This decision allows the use of Stride 6’s liquid staking protocol to stake the treasury more efficiently. The community will retain control of the funds while delegating capital deployment to Stride. Staking rewards, accruing in USDC, will be generated from trading fees on the dYdX protocol and automatically reinvested over time through Stride.

The dYdX community has approved a proposal to stake 20 million DYDX tokens to bolster the security of its decentralized crypto exchange (DEX). The move comes amid a surge in trading activity on the platform. dYdX highlighted the need for enhanced security measures due to rising deposits and trading volumes. The platform currently has a total value locked (TVL) of around $140 million, with over 114 million DYDX tokens staked.

The proposal noted that despite the staking activity, the rate of DYDX staking had reached a plateau. The team expects continued growth due to the increasing popularity of dYdX v4 and recent market volatility. Staking native tokens is a strategy to protect the network against potential 51% assault-style control attempts.

On April 6, the proposal to stake tokens from dYdX’s community treasury, valued at over $61 million, was approved with a 91.7% majority. This decision allows the use of Stride 6’s liquid staking protocol to stake the treasury more efficiently. The community will retain control of the funds while delegating capital deployment to Stride. Staking rewards, accruing in USDC, will be generated from trading fees on the dYdX protocol and automatically reinvested over time through Stride.

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