Binance Square
FOMC meeting today at 11:30pm IST 99% chance of no hike but expect some volatility Only 158 days left for next halving. The Next 2 years will be super exciting Very soon people will again start telling that Ethereum is way too Expensive BREAKING: The ticker for Invesco and Galaxy's spot Bitcoin ETF, $BTCO, has been added to the DTCC website. JUST IN: National Association of Realtors found guilty of colluding to keep home sales commissions artificially high, ordered to pay $1.8 billion in damages. JUST IN: Elon Musk says Twitter was an arm of the US government and censored republicans at 10x the rate of democrats. #BTC #etf #Meme #SHIB #sol

FOMC meeting today at 11:30pm IST

99% chance of no hike but expect some volatility

Only 158 days left for next halving.

The Next 2 years will be super exciting

Very soon people will again start telling that Ethereum is way too Expensive

BREAKING: The ticker for Invesco and Galaxy's spot Bitcoin ETF, $BTCO, has been added to the DTCC website.

JUST IN: National Association of Realtors found guilty of colluding to keep home sales commissions artificially high, ordered to pay $1.8 billion in damages.

JUST IN: Elon Musk says Twitter was an arm of the US government and censored republicans at 10x the rate of democrats.

#BTC #etf #Meme #SHIB #sol

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