Web3 vs. Web 3.0
Maybe you didn’t know, but “Web3” and “Web 3.0” are different concepts. Let’s break them down.
Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Polkadot, coined the term Web3 in 2014.
The main idea behind Web3 is to fight the power of centralized companies and give people back control over their assets and data. The Web3 concept implies that this can be achieved through a decentralized infrastructure built on blockchain technology.
Web 3.0 is also a concept for modernizing the internet, but it was proposed in 2007 by Netscape head Jason Calacanis.
It’s like the third generation of the internet, in which websites and applications will be able to process information almost like humans, thanks to the semantic web, AI, and similar technologies.
Both Web3 and Web 3.0 are trying to create a new version of the internet and solve the problems of Web 2.0. But their approaches are radically different. However, nothing prevents them from developing in parallel and coexisting.