Binance Square
A CrypToadz NFT, typically worth under $1000, was recently purchased for a staggering 1,055 Wrapped Ethereum (WETH), equivalent to $1.6 million. The transaction took place on the OpenSea market on Oct. 9. CrypToadz, a collection of 6969 digital amphibious creatures, was created by artist Gremplin and gained significant attention during the 2021 NFT boom. However, the high price paid for the NFT has raised eyebrows, as it was previously acquired for just 0.95 ETH ($1600) two weeks ago. The purchase was funded by a wallet involved in transactions anonymized by Ethereum coin mixing service Tornado Cash, sparking suspicions of wash trading or a "fat finger mistake" in the transaction.

A CrypToadz NFT, typically worth under $1000, was recently purchased for a staggering 1,055 Wrapped Ethereum (WETH), equivalent to $1.6 million. The transaction took place on the OpenSea market on Oct. 9. CrypToadz, a collection of 6969 digital amphibious creatures, was created by artist Gremplin and gained significant attention during the 2021 NFT boom.

However, the high price paid for the NFT has raised eyebrows, as it was previously acquired for just 0.95 ETH ($1600) two weeks ago. The purchase was funded by a wallet involved in transactions anonymized by Ethereum coin mixing service Tornado Cash, sparking suspicions of wash trading or a "fat finger mistake" in the transaction.

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