Binance Square
Hong Kong's police force and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) have established a crypto-focused working group to tackle illicit activities by virtual asset trading platforms (VATPs). The move follows the recent arrests of 11 individuals in connection with the Dubai-based JPEX exchange, which the SFC alleges has been operating without a license. The working group will monitor and investigate illegal activities, share information on suspicious activities, assess risks, and collaborate on investigations. The SFC has also published a list of licensed and suspicious VATPs.

Hong Kong's police force and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) have established a crypto-focused working group to tackle illicit activities by virtual asset trading platforms (VATPs). The move follows the recent arrests of 11 individuals in connection with the Dubai-based JPEX exchange, which the SFC alleges has been operating without a license. The working group will monitor and investigate illegal activities, share information on suspicious activities, assess risks, and collaborate on investigations. The SFC has also published a list of licensed and suspicious VATPs.

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