Binance Square
🔬 Nature Bioscience journal praises DAOs as a potential game-changer for underfunded scientific research! 🧪 DAOs could streamline project proposals, fundraising, feedback, and more, all in a decentralized manner. 💡 Imagine IP-NFTs as patents, owned by the DAO and governed by token holders. 🌐 DAOs could democratize funding and community interaction, breaking down barriers between prestigious institutions and underfunded researchers. 🎓 Time to educate the science world on the power of blockchain! 💪

🔬 Nature Bioscience journal praises DAOs as a potential game-changer for underfunded scientific research! 🧪 DAOs could streamline project proposals, fundraising, feedback, and more, all in a decentralized manner. 💡 Imagine IP-NFTs as patents, owned by the DAO and governed by token holders. 🌐 DAOs could democratize funding and community interaction, breaking down barriers between prestigious institutions and underfunded researchers. 🎓 Time to educate the science world on the power of blockchain! 💪

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