Binance Square
🚀Crypto inflows are back, baby! After 6 weeks of outflows, Bitcoin led the charge with $20.4M in inflows last week, according to CoinShares. Solana followed with $5M, making it the "most loved altcoin" of 2023. 😍 But poor Ethereum, it's now the "least loved altcoin" with $1.5M in outflows. 🥺 Why the sudden change? CoinShares believes it's due to positive price momentum, US government debt fears, and funding quagmires. 📈🇺🇸💸 What do you think? Are we witnessing a crypto comeback? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬👇

🚀Crypto inflows are back, baby! After 6 weeks of outflows, Bitcoin led the charge with $20.4M in inflows last week, according to CoinShares. Solana followed with $5M, making it the "most loved altcoin" of 2023. 😍 But poor Ethereum, it's now the "least loved altcoin" with $1.5M in outflows. 🥺

Why the sudden change? CoinShares believes it's due to positive price momentum, US government debt fears, and funding quagmires. 📈🇺🇸💸

What do you think? Are we witnessing a crypto comeback? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬👇

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