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🚀Web3 marketing is currently too focused on hype and not enough on true users! Let's change that. MarketingFi, a new approach to Web3 marketing, is all about rewarding engaged users, not just anyone who likes a tweet. 🎯 🤖Airdrops, a popular Web3 marketing trend, often end up in the hands of bots, not real users. We need to shift our focus to quality over quantity. How? By using data-driven decisions to reward those who truly contribute to projects.💡 🗣️KOL marketing is another area that needs improvement. Too often, projects onboard shillers who bring initial hype but not long-term engagement. Let's use analytics to identify true KOLs who can bring real value to our projects.🔍 🤝Web3 marketing should be about co-creation and co-ownership. If our users hold our tokens, they're invested in our success. Let's pass our marketing budgets onto them, so they can help us attract more quality users.🌱 📣Let's start a conversation about how we can make Web3 marketing more effective and user-focused. Share your thoughts below!👇 #Web3 #MarketingFi #Blockchain Note: This summary is based on an op-ed from CoinDesk's Web3 Marketing Week. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of CoinDesk, Inc. or its owners and affiliates.

🚀Web3 marketing is currently too focused on hype and not enough on true users! Let's change that. MarketingFi, a new approach to Web3 marketing, is all about rewarding engaged users, not just anyone who likes a tweet. 🎯

🤖Airdrops, a popular Web3 marketing trend, often end up in the hands of bots, not real users. We need to shift our focus to quality over quantity. How? By using data-driven decisions to reward those who truly contribute to projects.💡

🗣️KOL marketing is another area that needs improvement. Too often, projects onboard shillers who bring initial hype but not long-term engagement. Let's use analytics to identify true KOLs who can bring real value to our projects.🔍

🤝Web3 marketing should be about co-creation and co-ownership. If our users hold our tokens, they're invested in our success. Let's pass our marketing budgets onto them, so they can help us attract more quality users.🌱

📣Let's start a conversation about how we can make Web3 marketing more effective and user-focused. Share your thoughts below!👇 #Web3 #MarketingFi #Blockchain

Note: This summary is based on an op-ed from CoinDesk's Web3 Marketing Week. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of CoinDesk, Inc. or its owners and affiliates.

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