Binance Square
🚀Coinbase faced a setback in a recent Supreme Court arbitration case, but don't let that dampen your crypto spirits! The case, far removed from the crypto business, revolved around a Dogecoin sweepstakes competition in 2021. 🐕💰 The court ruled against Coinbase, stating that the question of which contract applies in cases of two distinct contracts needs to be worked out by the courts. This might seem like a blow, but it's not directly related to the digital assets sector. This case leaves Coinbase with a mixed record at the Supreme Court, having won its previous dispute over another arbitration matter. But hey, as their chief legal officer says, "Some you win. Some you lose." While this case isn't at the core of crypto, the Supreme Court is expected to resolve the industry's legal battles with U.S. regulators. It might take years, but the crypto world is watching! 👀 What do you think about this ruling? Does it affect your view of Coinbase? Let's discuss! #Coinbase #CryptoNews #Blockchain #Dogecoin

🚀Coinbase faced a setback in a recent Supreme Court arbitration case, but don't let that dampen your crypto spirits! The case, far removed from the crypto business, revolved around a Dogecoin sweepstakes competition in 2021. 🐕💰

The court ruled against Coinbase, stating that the question of which contract applies in cases of two distinct contracts needs to be worked out by the courts. This might seem like a blow, but it's not directly related to the digital assets sector.

This case leaves Coinbase with a mixed record at the Supreme Court, having won its previous dispute over another arbitration matter. But hey, as their chief legal officer says, "Some you win. Some you lose."

While this case isn't at the core of crypto, the Supreme Court is expected to resolve the industry's legal battles with U.S. regulators. It might take years, but the crypto world is watching! 👀

What do you think about this ruling? Does it affect your view of Coinbase? Let's discuss! #Coinbase #CryptoNews #Blockchain #Dogecoin

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