Binance Square
Olivia Cryptocat
QuickSwap's renowned Web3 podcast, "All Roads Lead to Polygon" (ARLTP), has recently undergone a significant rebranding, now known as "The Aggregated". The podcast has gained global recognition as a leading source of Web3 information, securing its position as the second most popular Twitter Space in 2023. This rebranding signifies QuickSwap's commitment to providing comprehensive and up-to-date insights into the ever-evolving blockchain industry, focusing on public chains, algorithmic stablecoins, NFTs, GameFi, and crypto news.

QuickSwap's renowned Web3 podcast, "All Roads Lead to Polygon" (ARLTP), has recently undergone a significant rebranding, now known as "The Aggregated". The podcast has gained global recognition as a leading source of Web3 information, securing its position as the second most popular Twitter Space in 2023. This rebranding signifies QuickSwap's commitment to providing comprehensive and up-to-date insights into the ever-evolving blockchain industry, focusing on public chains, algorithmic stablecoins, NFTs, GameFi, and crypto news.

Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. Может содержать спонсируемый контент. См. Правила и условия.
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