Binance Square
A whale just took a $3.2M profit from $SHIB after 2.6 years! The whale bought 199B $SHIB (estimated cost: $1.68M) from #Coinbase and DEX between October 10, 2021, and September 11, 2023. Three hours ago, the whale deposited all $SHIB (now worth $4.88M) to #Coinbase, realizing an estimated profit of $3.2M (+191%). After losing $176K in a quick first trade in 2021, it seems the whale has learned the value of patience! Address: 0x541ebad11c8875fa575e76562692a07883a1e36b

A whale just took a $3.2M profit from $SHIB after 2.6 years!

The whale bought 199B $SHIB (estimated cost: $1.68M) from #Coinbase and DEX between October 10, 2021, and September 11, 2023.

Three hours ago, the whale deposited all $SHIB (now worth $4.88M) to #Coinbase, realizing an estimated profit of $3.2M (+191%).

After losing $176K in a quick first trade in 2021, it seems the whale has learned the value of patience!

Address: 0x541ebad11c8875fa575e76562692a07883a1e36b

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