Binance Square
The deployer of #WallStreetBaby has made an impressive 5K $SOL ($810K) in just 1 hour by sniping and dumping $WSB! Here's how it happened: Deployment and Liquidity: The deployer created 1B $WSB, adding 600M $WSB and 400 $SOL to liquidity, leaving 400M $WSB. Wallet Distribution: Before opening trading, the deployer created 32 wallets and distributed 643 $SOL to these wallets. Sniping $WSB: These 32 wallets sniped 362M $WSB (36.2% of the total supply) at the start of trading. Selling $WSB: The deployer quickly sold the 362M $WSB for 4,371 $SOL ($708K). Remaining Distribution: The deployer distributed the remaining 400M $WSB to over 100 wallets. Out of this, 210M $WSB was sold for 1,250 $SOL ($202K), while the remaining 190M $WSB is harder to track. Overall, this deployer has earned nearly 5K $SOL ($810K) so far! Address: BGTcrxGLtrmBVv5FP6KsJgjQRRbfpWRriSxQETQorQ1Y

The deployer of #WallStreetBaby has made an impressive 5K $SOL ($810K) in just 1 hour by sniping and dumping $WSB!

Here's how it happened:

Deployment and Liquidity: The deployer created 1B $WSB, adding 600M $WSB and 400 $SOL to liquidity, leaving 400M $WSB.

Wallet Distribution: Before opening trading, the deployer created 32 wallets and distributed 643 $SOL to these wallets.

Sniping $WSB: These 32 wallets sniped 362M $WSB (36.2% of the total supply) at the start of trading.

Selling $WSB: The deployer quickly sold the 362M $WSB for 4,371 $SOL ($708K).

Remaining Distribution: The deployer distributed the remaining 400M $WSB to over 100 wallets. Out of this, 210M $WSB was sold for 1,250 $SOL ($202K), while the remaining 190M $WSB is harder to track.

Overall, this deployer has earned nearly 5K $SOL ($810K) so far!

Address: BGTcrxGLtrmBVv5FP6KsJgjQRRbfpWRriSxQETQorQ1Y

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