Binance Square
🚀🎉 Bitcoin enthusiasts, listen up! According to Balaji Srinivasan, a former Coinbase executive, crypto has become a partisan issue in the United States, appealing particularly to "American conservatives" and "Chinese Liberals". 🌐💰 In a recent tweet, Balaji suggested that crypto is a boon for "small countries and dispossessed minorities", providing a new form of power to those who lack state influence. 🌍💪 He argued that Democrats and Communists, who control powerful states, don't benefit from crypto. However, everyone else does. 🎭🏦 Interestingly, Balaji pointed out that employees of top employers like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and the U.S. government predominantly donate to Democrats over Republicans. 💼💰 Moreover, the wealthiest U.S. counties, which generate most of the nation's GDP, are blue counties, implying that Democrats have the most money. 💸💙 "Crypto is to the right of American Democrats and the left of Chinese Communists," Balaji stated. He depicted both China and Russia as "culturally right" and the current U.S. establishment as "culturally left". 🌏🔀 Both sides have shown hostility towards the crypto industry. Eastern superpowers have banned crypto as a payment method for citizens, citing potential economic instability. 🚫💱 Meanwhile, the Biden administration has consistently opposed pro-crypto legislation. Last week, the White House even vowed to veto a Republican-led resolution to repeal SEC guidance that prevents banks from offering crypto custody services. 🏛️🔒 Despite this, crypto's partisan nature is being embraced. Even left-minded Democrats see potential in crypto. For instance, allowing banks to custody crypto could bring the industry into the regulated fold, and stablecoins could increase demand for U.S. government debt. 🏦🔄 In a surprising turn, former President Donald Trump has reversed his previous anti-crypto stance, embracing the industry ahead of his election rematch with Biden later this year. 🔄🗳️ So, keep your eyes on the crypto space, folks! It's a wild ride, but one that's full of potential! 🚀🌙

🚀🎉 Bitcoin enthusiasts, listen up! According to Balaji Srinivasan, a former Coinbase executive, crypto has become a partisan issue in the United States, appealing particularly to "American conservatives" and "Chinese Liberals". 🌐💰

In a recent tweet, Balaji suggested that crypto is a boon for "small countries and dispossessed minorities", providing a new form of power to those who lack state influence. 🌍💪

He argued that Democrats and Communists, who control powerful states, don't benefit from crypto. However, everyone else does. 🎭🏦

Interestingly, Balaji pointed out that employees of top employers like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and the U.S. government predominantly donate to Democrats over Republicans. 💼💰

Moreover, the wealthiest U.S. counties, which generate most of the nation's GDP, are blue counties, implying that Democrats have the most money. 💸💙

"Crypto is to the right of American Democrats and the left of Chinese Communists," Balaji stated. He depicted both China and Russia as "culturally right" and the current U.S. establishment as "culturally left". 🌏🔀

Both sides have shown hostility towards the crypto industry. Eastern superpowers have banned crypto as a payment method for citizens, citing potential economic instability. 🚫💱

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has consistently opposed pro-crypto legislation. Last week, the White House even vowed to veto a Republican-led resolution to repeal SEC guidance that prevents banks from offering crypto custody services. 🏛️🔒

Despite this, crypto's partisan nature is being embraced. Even left-minded Democrats see potential in crypto. For instance, allowing banks to custody crypto could bring the industry into the regulated fold, and stablecoins could increase demand for U.S. government debt. 🏦🔄

In a surprising turn, former President Donald Trump has reversed his previous anti-crypto stance, embracing the industry ahead of his election rematch with Biden later this year. 🔄🗳️

So, keep your eyes on the crypto space, folks! It's a wild ride, but one that's full of potential! 🚀🌙

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🎉Whoa! Hold onto your hats, BTC enthusiasts! 🎩 Michael Saylor's brainchild, MicroStrategy, has just upped the ante! 💰 Just a day after announcing a $500 million convertible senior note offering to buy more BTC, they've boosted their target to a whopping $700 million! 💸 This NASDAQ-listed business intelligence software firm has been on a BTC buying spree since August 2020, using various types of funding to accumulate more of the cryptocurrency. 📈 Their latest move? Offering convertible notes to fund their BTC purchases. 📝 This week, the company announced plans to offer $500 million aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes due 2032. But wait, there's more! The very next day, they increased their target by 40% to $700 million! 🚀 The terms remain the same, with a 2.25% percentage and a due year of 2032. 📅 The company plans to use the net proceeds to "acquire additional bitcoin and for general corporate purposes." 🏦 According to SaylorTracker, MicroStrategy now owns 214,400 BTC (over 1% of bitcoin's total supply). Despite a slight dip from its all-time high in March, the company is sitting pretty on a massive unrealized profit of $6.6 billion. 💵 MicroStrategy's share prices, being heavily influenced by bitcoin's movements, have been on a rollercoaster ride. 🎢 They started 2024 just under $700, dipped to below $500, then soared to over $1,900 as BTC skyrocketed in March. 🚀 Although they've retraced a bit since their peak, they're still up 120% YTD, closing Friday at $1,495. 📊 So, keep your eyes on MicroStrategy, folks! They're making big moves in the BTC world, and it's a wild ride you won't want to miss! 🌍🚀🌕

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