Binance Square
🔸 Breaking News: Yesterday, May 10, 2024, the Bitcoin-ETF universe experienced a total outflow that would make even the most hardened crypto enthusiast shed a tear 😭. Thanks to our dear friends at Farside Investors, we now know that a whopping $84.6581 million flew out of the spotal bitcoin-ETFs faster than a cheetah on roller skates 💨. And who could be the main culprits in this massive outflow? None other than the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) and their friends at BlackRock ETF $IBIT 🤝. GBTC took the lead with a $103M single-day outflow, while IBIT decided to swim against the current with a $14.19 million inflow 🏊‍♂️. Talk about a rollercoaster ride in the ETF world! 🎢 So, dear crypto enthusiasts, let's all take a moment of silence for the $84.6581 million that left us yesterday 🕯️. And remember, in the ever-changing world of crypto, it's not a matter of if, but when the next twist in the plot will occur 🔮. Stay tuned for more updates, and keep your seatbelts fastened! 🚀 #CryptoLife #ETFs #Bitcoin #FarsideInvestors 🔸

🔸 Breaking News: Yesterday, May 10, 2024, the Bitcoin-ETF universe experienced a total outflow that would make even the most hardened crypto enthusiast shed a tear 😭. Thanks to our dear friends at Farside Investors, we now know that a whopping $84.6581 million flew out of the spotal bitcoin-ETFs faster than a cheetah on roller skates 💨.

And who could be the main culprits in this massive outflow? None other than the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) and their friends at BlackRock ETF $IBIT 🤝. GBTC took the lead with a $103M single-day outflow, while IBIT decided to swim against the current with a $14.19 million inflow 🏊‍♂️. Talk about a rollercoaster ride in the ETF world! 🎢

So, dear crypto enthusiasts, let's all take a moment of silence for the $84.6581 million that left us yesterday 🕯️. And remember, in the ever-changing world of crypto, it's not a matter of if, but when the next twist in the plot will occur 🔮. Stay tuned for more updates, and keep your seatbelts fastened! 🚀 #CryptoLife #ETFs #Bitcoin #FarsideInvestors 🔸

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