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The Federal Reserve last changed interest rates 280 days ago, marking the second-longest pause in modern market history. The good news is that the S&P 500 Index $SPX typically yields significant returns during these pauses, including gains of over 20% during the longest pause on record.

The Federal Reserve last changed interest rates 280 days ago, marking the second-longest pause in modern market history. The good news is that the S&P 500 Index $SPX typically yields significant returns during these pauses, including gains of over 20% during the longest pause on record.

Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. Может содержать спонсируемый контент. См. Правила и условия.
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