What Do You Believe In Crypto and Bitcoin?
If you believe in success in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies your dream will come true THE LAW OF ATTRACTION AND EMOTIONS IN BRINGING THE RIGHT ANSWER
"where concentration is, is where energy flows!" the place where you invest your thoughts or ideas is where the power flows
This is the 7th Law In the 12 laws that coordinate the world, we previously saw the 5th law of KARMA, Today let's read this the law of attraction.
👉 Think about it, where do you invest a lot of your thoughts? What things are ruling your thoughts? What things do you think about or believe in?
It doesn't matter what you believe. Believe in a stone, a cow, some idol, Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, Krishna, Mahavir, Ganesha, hawks, ancestors, beetles, or whatever.
Although, you have invested your concentration or your thoughts/your heart there, then inside you, there is an unusual power that is released to go to the person or thing you envy/worship and connect you with that person or thing that you have given your heart to.
That thing or that person for that reason is God and can do whatever you want.
👉That is the wonder of man.
He creates his God and worships him and he gets answers to his prayers by praying with the confidence generated in him by that power!
That's why you can't have one religion/belief in the world no matter what you do because everyone has a place where they direct their natural energies and ALLOW them to do anything.
If you believe EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE because the power to make things happen comes from you. Even if you decide to worship yourself sincerely then you will see miracles and you will declare yourself God and get followers to worship yourself as their God.
The difference in power between this God and that God is the level of the person in question ALLOWING HIS SOUL TO BE A CHANNEL OF POWER!
👉A large percentage of people in the world today believe in God who is worshiped through the Messiah Jesus Christ and they get results according to faith, while others worship anything and get answers too.
Now the MANIFESTATION OF THE POWER AND POWER OF THE RELEVANT GOD will depend not only on that God but on a large percentage of the human being and his natural ability called ENERGY/POWER or you can call it FAITH!
That is why we have been urging the martyrs to open their eyes and look at these things with curiosity and their worship will give them results, on the contrary, they will continue to wonder and wonder how it is that they worship what is called ghosts and sorcerers give them a power gap!
Raise your energy level and see the performance of what you believe because all beliefs are governed by the LAW OF ATTRACTION!
👉 When you stay in a certain place and think about certain things in fear, you are pulling them into existence in your world.
That's why everything you fear must eventually happen to you!
If you always imagine being poor (the fear of life dominates you) the same situation must happen to you.
If you are afraid of being betrayed by your 'man', that must happen to you because whenever you have negative thoughts, you are drawing them into your world.
If you are bitten by a mosquito and then you are afraid that you will get malaria, even if the mosquito is not Anopheles, you must get malaria!
People who are very afraid of magic, they are vulnerable to its effects.
👉You must fight against the negativities in you if you want to be free on this earth, even before you think of prayers!
This Principle emphasizes that all things that vibrate at the same frequency attract each other and eventually stay together (Like attracts like)
For humans, everything vibrates in certain frequencies that are interpreted by the brain.
The human brain vibrates in five main frequencies (we will talk about them later)
With this Principle, your awareness is what draws your environment, that is, your deep thoughts (subconscious mind) are what draws your external environment!
👉 If you always see that you are fighting with witches in your dreams or you fall asleep easily, know that it is because of the law of attraction, that is, your brain is filled with thoughts of magical things. You and witches vibrate in the same frequencies!!!
You always find someone thinking about the difficulty of life, not having a job, not getting married, getting an accident, etc... That action makes your brain start vibrating at the frequency of those things so that they become real. That's why if you want to know what filled your heart/brain, think about the dreams you have frequently. A dream is like a mirror that shows you the thoughts filled in your subconscious mind.
After a while, the things you always dream of must appear to you to prove the law of attraction; like attracts like!
If you want to avoid bad things, make sure you are always positive in your head; don't let your brain enter random things that scare you, scare and discourage you or discourage you.
Avoid inappropriate groups, scary movies, and similar things.
👉 Returning to the Bible, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray in MATTHEW 6:9-10
"Your kingdom come. May your will be fulfilled ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN
This means that the petitioners are responsible to pray to Father God (Nature) for his KINGDOM to come to earth as it is in heaven so that what is in heaven (in thought) can be seen on earth, in life
a real of the petitioners.
In that statement of Jesus to bring the Kingdom of God on earth and cause "on earth (to be) as in heaven" he has been used to talk about 👉 THE LAW OF ATTRACTION (AS ABOVE SO BELOW) That is, as is above so is below.
👉That everything that exists in the world of the spirit should be drawn and become real in the world, in the eyes of the flesh.
The spirit world (higher dimensions, heaven) is the place where everything is found, whatever has ever existed, is present and will exist, everything is in the spirit world!
Good and bad, life and death, health and sickness, wealth and poverty, blessings, and curses, etc., are all there. If you want them, they come; that's what the law of attraction means!
If you want wealth, let it come. If you want poverty to drag you, come...
Wanting and begging or praying means the same thing!
When Jesus wanted the fig tree to wither, it withered regardless of what caused the withering! (Mark 11:14,20)
And if you want the mango to wither, you just wither, chap, just like you wanted to be!
👉We are connected to everything we want.
When our thoughts begin to vibrate (to vibrate) on the vibration of something, then we are connected to it.
If that vibration continues, it causes tension between us and that thing, we start pulling each other without even knowing it and after a while, we meet. It is the work of the Universe to bring you together with what you want, considering the law of gravity!
For example, when my thoughts begin to think about money, invisible waves connect me to that money wherever it is... If I continue to think again and again, money finds itself beginning to vibrate in my waves, that is, I and money begin to play the same dance (to vibrate in the same frequencies )
As the vibration continues, I and the money begin to attract each other, that is, find each other.
After SOME TIME you will hear me telling people "The money I wanted has been found!"
By the law of attraction!
When you think, when you speak, when you feel anything; those thoughts, those feelings, and those words connect you with that thing.
The Great Teacher Jesus continues to teach saying "If you look at a woman and lust after her sexually, you have already committed adultery with her" (Matthew 5:28)
The meaning is that when you see a woman and then you start to create an image (figuring out) of her 'shape', her look, her 'nails', and things like that, the frequencies connect you with her, and you find yourself in a certain situation that is 'not normal'!
It means that spiritually you have had sex with him.
The spirit world does not know the difference between reality and imagination!
You are no different from a child who, when he saw a scam, paid for it and went to kill himself; In spirit, you look the same, because of the law of attraction!
That's how it is even if you say it or feel it!
Our thoughts, our thoughts, our words, and our feelings have a wonderful power to connect us with what we want!
If you start thinking about dying, or you are constantly talking about dying or about the dead, you feel like you are dying; you will be surprised in your dreams, you will start to see it happen as you always imagine and after a while, you will DIE COMPLETELY and those who were close to you will say "the guy knew he was going to die, he was telling us that!"
That is why you are advised by the wise Solar Moon (Solo-Mon/ Suleiman) to make sure you take care with your feelings, thoughts, and words (Proverbs 4:23)
Let's examine yourself, what things do you personally attract?
Too many sisters are smoking "not married" instead of "married" and that's how it is!
You find someone telling you that he prayed and fasted a lot and made many sacrifices to get married, but he doesn't get married!
If you spend about an hour with him, you will realize that he wants to get married, and it's okay, but he asks not to get married and he gets it easily because of his thoughts, feelings, and words!
In his mouth, he says he wants to get married, but in his heart, he thinks "Is this possible?"
Sometimes she tells her colleagues how she is not sure if she will find the husband she wants!
When he says he is not sure, it means he does not believe because faith is to be sure!
Not only in matters of getting married but also in other matters such as being successful, getting rich, being successful, being employed, starting a company, service, church, etc.
Many people use the law of attraction to attract things they don't want.
Check yourself again.
When it comes to what you want, how do you feel? What thoughts fill your mind? What words come out of you?
When Jesus said to the tree "From today you will not get fruit" he did not know what would happen, what he knew was that it would happen because the world of spirit is very obedient to our thoughts, feelings, and utterances, even if we speak simply and easily!
If someone comes to me and tells me what his problem is, I simply ask him, "What do you want it to be?" I listen to him.
I translate what he says, then I tell him "That's how it will be" and it always turns out that way.
For example, a man said that his children do not pass their exams and he asks me to pray for him.
I asked him "Do you want them to succeed what level?"
He replied "At least they don't get zero"
I told him "Okay from now on they won't get zero"
In the next test, he came and told me "The children are still very young, that is, one got 23% in Kiswahili and others less than that, Mathematics got 4% and the other is the same"
I asked him why they got zero.
He replied "Well, they have worked hard because the first one's exams were only zeros, and in Mathematics he never got even one mark, but I want them to at least succeed"
I told him that you got what you wanted for your children because you said you didn't want them to get zero and no one got zero in all subjects.
He was shocked and asked me, "Now how can I at least make them succeed like others?"
I said to him "Remove the words 'AT LEAST' and 'LIKE OTHERS' because the world of the spirit with everything will give you what you want (you are asking for)"
He said "I hope they are among the Top Five"
I told him "Take this oil every day asbh before they go to school, apply it and say these words to them and before they go to sleep do the same and say the same to them, even when they misbehave in lessons don't challenge them and insult them. He respected my instructions and went to do the same.
Until I write this, his two children, Jovin and Robert, are in a good school in the sixth form, because in their fourth form exams, they got division one points 7 and 9!
All subjects got all 'A' and another got 5 'A', and the other subjects all 'B'!
Those are the form two who were getting zero marks in all subjects!
The law of attraction will attract what you think, what you think about, what you talk about, and even what you pretend to do!
I wish you all the best and happy Sunday