Binance Square
Crypto Revolution Masters
🚨What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🚨 • OKX/Bybit exchange plans to list Parcl $PRCL on April 16 at 1pm UTC. • Vitalik Buterin shilling #RAILGUN_Project $RAIL. • $CORE - The countdown for CoreDAO, which started on April 10, is just one day away. • $GMT - Stepn has partnered with Adidas to launch NFT collection. • $INJ - Injective propoes INJ 3.0 to upgrade its tokenomics, aiming to make $INJ extremely deflationary. • $ILV - Illuvium has reiterated that Private Beta 4 will begin on April 30, with 250,000 $ILV tokens to be distributed through Play-to-Airdrop. • $OKB - OKX launches Ethereum Layer 2 Mainnnet, #XLayerOfficial. The network was built using Polygon’s CDK. • $ONIT - Onbuff updated its GitHub regarding rebranding; it is speculated to be renamed as Lumiwave $LWA. • $STG - Stargate officially announced Stargate V2 is imminent. • $QKC - QuarkChain announced it will further unveil details about Parallel EVM at Token2049 Dubai on April 17. • X might be expanding its policy to charge new users before they reply/like/bookmark a post. (Elon musk shilling $DOGE again)

🚨What happened in Crypto in the last 12h?🚨

• OKX/Bybit exchange plans to list Parcl $PRCL on April 16 at 1pm UTC.

• Vitalik Buterin shilling #RAILGUN_Project $RAIL.

• $CORE - The countdown for CoreDAO, which started on April 10, is just one day away.

$GMT - Stepn has partnered with Adidas to launch NFT collection.

$INJ - Injective propoes INJ 3.0 to upgrade its tokenomics, aiming to make $INJ extremely deflationary.

$ILV - Illuvium has reiterated that Private Beta 4 will begin on April 30, with 250,000 $ILV tokens to be distributed through Play-to-Airdrop.

• $OKB - OKX launches Ethereum Layer 2 Mainnnet, #XLayerOfficial. The network was built using Polygon’s CDK.

• $ONIT - Onbuff updated its GitHub regarding rebranding; it is speculated to be renamed as Lumiwave $LWA.

• $STG - Stargate officially announced Stargate V2 is imminent.

• $QKC - QuarkChain announced it will further unveil details about Parallel EVM at Token2049 Dubai on April 17.

• X might be expanding its policy to charge new users before they reply/like/bookmark a post. (Elon musk shilling $DOGE again)

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MEGADROP by Binance - The new powerful Token Launch Platform with Airdrops and Web3 Quests! Hey Folks, Let's dive into the most important details of it! Megadrop is a new token launch platform with airdrops and Web3 quests, where users can subscribe BNB to Locked Products and/or complete tasks in their Web3 Wallet for early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before their tokens are listed on the Binance Exchange. Think how dope is that and if anyone else has something similar. Well answer is not. Again Megadrop is bringing the Revolution in #Web3 will be able to earn Rewards even when you do some simple tasks! Also you will be able to subscribe your BNB to Locked Products! Everything easy and very simple to do! 👉You can read more about Megadrop here: With few words Folks, as you can see, the experience with #Megadrop will be super nice. All you will need is just few minutes a day to do the available tasks or lock your BNB to earn Rewards! As I said it's truly a Revolutionary Product! Score-Based Megadrop Mechanism: The first project to be introduced on Megadrop will be BounceBit (BB), 💪BounceBit Megadrop Details: 👉Token Name: BounceBit (BB) 🔥Max Token Supply: 2,100,000,000 BB 🔥Megadrop Token Rewards: 168,000,000 BB (8% of max token supply) 🔥Initial Circulating Supply: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of max token supply) At the end this is another great Opportunity for all people around the Globe from Number 1 CEX to get involved into Projects with great long-term potential and earn Rewards easily and smoothly with just a simple steps and just a little time from your day! #Megadrop

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