Binance Square
BlackRock just dropped their first tokenized fund on #Ethereum(ETH) , called BUIDL . 🚀 ✓ Tokenizing real-world assets like bonds and funds is gaining traction fast, blending digital assets with traditional finance. 🔄 ✓ #BlackRockCrypto is stepping up with BUIDL, a blockchain-based fund investing in cash, US Treasury bills, and repos. It aims to keep a stable value of $1 per token and dishes out daily dividends. To get in, investors can hit up Securitize Markets with a starting investment of $5 million. Oh, and BlackRock's putting some dough in Securitize, the tokenization platform for BUIDL. 💸 ✓ Benefits of this tokenized fund for investors? Easy buying and selling thanks to #blockchain tech, instant and transparent transaction settlement, round-the-clock token transfers among approved investors, and flexible token custody options. 💡 ✓ But before diving into BUIDL, a heads-up: it's for qualified investors only and ain't listed on any exchange. Plus, it's high-risk, with market volatility and potential total loss on the table. 📌 Do your homework and chat with financial advisors before diving in.

BlackRock just dropped their first tokenized fund on #Ethereum(ETH) , called BUIDL . 🚀

✓ Tokenizing real-world assets like bonds and funds is gaining traction fast, blending digital assets with traditional finance. 🔄

#BlackRockCrypto is stepping up with BUIDL, a blockchain-based fund investing in cash, US Treasury bills, and repos. It aims to keep a stable value of $1 per token and dishes out daily dividends. To get in, investors can hit up Securitize Markets with a starting investment of $5 million. Oh, and BlackRock's putting some dough in Securitize, the tokenization platform for BUIDL. 💸

✓ Benefits of this tokenized fund for investors? Easy buying and selling thanks to #blockchain tech, instant and transparent transaction settlement, round-the-clock token transfers among approved investors, and flexible token custody options. 💡

✓ But before diving into BUIDL, a heads-up: it's for qualified investors only and ain't listed on any exchange. Plus, it's high-risk, with market volatility and potential total loss on the table.

📌 Do your homework and chat with financial advisors before diving in.

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Just last month, many were claiming that Bitcoin would hit $100,000, highlighting an epic bull run in the first quarter of 2024. While not quite there yet—already surpassing half the mark, with 90% of holders making profits. And all this has been propelled by the much-anticipated Bitcoin halving event. However, that rally came to an abrupt halt this week when BTC fell to March levels, just above $60,000, in response to two major pieces of news: 1. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's statement on inflation concerns suggests that restrictive monetary policies will continue, a historically unfavorable scenario for Bitcoin. 2. Geopolitical tensions in the Middle East initially sparked volatility, reflecting a state of (momentary) panic, while on the other hand, gold saw an increase. Perhaps the most reassuring fact at the moment is that the major BTC holders, known as Bitcoin Whales, are refusing to sell, while accumulation addresses have acquired $1.7 billion in Bitcoin in a single day. Some experts believe that “based on previous halvings, it should not take more than eight months for the Bitcoin price to double.” It would be a rewarding scenario to find ourselves in, but is there more for the wealthy in the crypto ocean? Just look to the East, where spot Bitcoin ETFs are being discussed in various states, with Hong Kong products already approved in principle. All this sounds great for adoption, but will the whales share this vision? Time will tell. $BTC #BullorBear #bitcoinhalving

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