So today I have noticed OneCoin -OneEco is having an event in Romania and they are having This anti ageing as the product you can buy with your onecoins....
After 7 years in existence, the only viable product they could give there opportunity on a summit is being able to spend there onecoins on an anti ageing cream? Wow, how wonderful these scams operate. So sad that investors who invested in onecoin expecting real trade , international trading and real businesses are being provided creams for testing at events. Am sad, some blind people were so happy to see such kind of a post from #Onecoin.

A Bitcoin killer trading for a cream at an international event!!!!!!!! Nothing like real buying but just organized small products as if they are in testing phase. I would wish to see such kind of ponzi and pyramid schemes be stopped right away. I can't imagine how many innocent people in Romania today will fall for onecoin. Hundreds will maybe invest, they will invest with alot of hopes to become rich and at the end will spend another 5 years being offered cosmetics on events and shows.
I can well predict that there is maximum buy, where you can't buy more than three or four per person. This is a well calculated offer where they want everyone to be tricked and take a cream home and help in further promotion.

After Gift of Legacy targeting Romania a few months ago, it's now Onecoin targeting Romania, Romania should be a virgin land for all these mlm scammers and they have noticed a very big opportunity in the land. I call upon the people and authorities of Romania to be very cautious about Onecoin Fraud and Gift of Legacy pyramid project. This won't leave them any good, just like how they have been doing in the rest of world. #FraudExpose #FraudWatchAI
@JenMcAdamUK @CryptoXpose @bollobas @ezCoinAccess