How Much was 1 Bitcoin Worth in 2009?
In the very early days of Bitcoin, there were no exchanges that look anything like the offerings today. But there was at least one exchange established in the first year since Bitcoin's inception.
The BitcoinTalk forum went online in late 2009 and soon enough one regular proposed the idea of an exchange where people could buy and sell Bitcoins for fiat currency. Keep in mind that this was when the block reward was 50 BTC and there were very few people mining.
The BitcoinTalk forum member NewLibertyStandard set up New Liberty Standard Exchange, and another forum user - Sirius - sent him 5050 BTC in exchange for $5.02 through PayPal. This puts the first recorded price at which Bitcoin exchanged hands at $0.00099/BTC.
What happen to 1,700 BTC belong to Greg Schoen? If he still store it, he is already millionaire. But if he had sale it, may be in the rest of his life always remember about it.