According to BlockBeats, on February 24, early Bitcoin code collaborator Martii 'Sirius' Malmi released the full content of his email exchanges with Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. In the emails, Nakamoto shared some of his views and predictions about Bitcoin at the time. Key points include:

- Someone once offered to donate $2,000 to Nakamoto, who suggested sending it to Martii's address.

- Nakamoto believed that Bitcoin could be easily obtained through mining with a home computer.

- He predicted that the Bitcoin network would have a maximum of 100,000 nodes (currently, there are about 50,000 nodes).

- Nakamoto expected Bitcoin mining's energy consumption to be lower than that of traditional banking systems.

- He anticipated at least one viable non-monetary use case, supporting timestamp use cases.

- Nakamoto was concerned about the legal risks of Bitcoin but was not opposed to its investment properties.

- In July 2009, he expressed fatigue and said he needed to 'take a break'.