Binance Square
Binance surpasses 170m users worldwide ! The head of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, Richard Teng, said the number of platform users worldwide has exceeded 170 million. Taking to X, he made the announcement. In the post, Teng did not indicate any country specific data. In early August, the founder and former CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, noted that the number of registered users of the world’s largest crypto exchange reached 150 million. The number of users on the largest American crypto exchange, Coinbase, currently stands at approximately 98 million. Despite the difficulties in 2023, including lawsuits from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the crypto exchange has grown by more than 40 million users over the past year. Also this year, Bloomberg reported that Zhao became $25 billion richer, with the total amount of Zhao’s wealth now estimated to be $37 billion. The bulk of Zhao’s wealth, per the report, comes from his majority stake in Binance. $BNB $BTC $ETH #binance #Launchpool #BinanceTournament"

Binance surpasses 170m users worldwide !

The head of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, Richard Teng, said the number of platform users worldwide has exceeded 170 million. Taking to X, he made the announcement.

In the post, Teng did not indicate any country specific data.

In early August, the founder and former CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, noted that the number of registered users of the world’s largest crypto exchange reached 150 million.

The number of users on the largest American crypto exchange, Coinbase, currently stands at approximately 98 million.

Despite the difficulties in 2023, including lawsuits from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the crypto exchange has grown by more than 40 million users over the past year.

Also this year, Bloomberg reported that Zhao became $25 billion richer, with the total amount of Zhao’s wealth now estimated to be $37 billion. The bulk of Zhao’s wealth, per the report, comes from his majority stake in Binance.


#binance #Launchpool #BinanceTournament"

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Cryptocurrency wallets are essential tools for managing and storing cryptocurrencies. There are several types of crypto wallets, each offering different levels of security, accessibility, and convenience: 1. Hardware Wallets : - These are physical devices that store cryptocurrencies offline, making them highly secure against online threats. They look similar to USB sticks and connect to your computer only when you need to make transactions. - Examples: Ledger Nano X, Trezor Model T 2. Software Wallets: - Software wallets are applications that can be installed on your computer or smartphone. They are more convenient for frequent use but are less secure than hardware wallets since they are connected to the internet. - Types include: - Desktop Wallets : Installed on a personal computer and provide control over the wallet. - Mobile Wallets : Apps installed on a smartphone, useful for paying in physical stores or using on the go. - Examples: Exodus (desktop), Trust Wallet (mobile) 3. Web Wallets: - These wallets run on the cloud and are accessible from any computing device in any location. While they are the most convenient, they are also considered less secure because the wallet’s private keys are stored online and managed by a third party. - Examples:, Coinbase Wallet 4. Paper Wallets: - A paper wallet is a physical document that contains all the necessary data to generate the private keys of your cryptocurrency. It is printed in the form of QR codes which you can scan to execute transactions. While paper wallets are immune to online hacks, they can be damaged or lost. Each type of wallet offers a balance between security and convenience. Choosing the right type depends on how often you plan to access your cryptocurrency and what level of security you require. #bitcoinhalving #Megadrop #Token2049

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