Telegram Mini-Game Platform Dogizen to Issue Native Token DOGIZ Telegram-based mini-game platform Dogizen has announced via its official channel that it will issue its own token, DOGIZ. This move comes after several successful launches of Telegram mini-game-themed tokens, many of which have been listed on major exchanges. The combined market capitalization of these tokens has surpassed $1 billion, but only a handful of projects dominate the market. Dogizen aims to become a leading Telegram game platform by providing developers with an SDK to create their own games. If it can establish itself as a layer 1 platform within the Telegram game market, it could attract significant demand. Currently, Dogizen boasts around 1.39 million cumulative users and approximately 9,000 concurrent users. The platform's plans for token issuance and future developments will be closely watched by the Telegram and gaming communities.