Binance Square
🚀This is probably the next 1B crypto that will make millionaires out of you💰 Probable insider information has caused the #SpaceCatch project to surpass 1 million dollars in its presale phase, with nearly 100k 💰added to the #catch token presale in the last hour. FOMO is spreading in trading groups, and rumors of an interesting listing after the presale is over are circulating. DYOR

🚀This is probably the next 1B crypto that will make millionaires out of you💰

Probable insider information has caused the #SpaceCatch project to surpass 1 million dollars in its presale phase, with nearly 100k 💰added to the #catch token presale in the last hour. FOMO is spreading in trading groups, and rumors of an interesting listing after the presale is over are circulating.


Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. Может содержать спонсируемый контент. См. Правила и условия.
Ответов: 1
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