Binance Square
🚨 Ordswap users, fear not! The platform has shared a tool to recover private keys amidst a domain control crisis 😅. Ordswap's website domain was compromised, but they're working hard to regain control. Meanwhile, users can retrieve their keys and move to other providers. Just beware of wallet-draining buttons lurking on the site! Stay safe, crypto enthusiasts! 💪 #Ordswap #PrivateKeys #CryptoSafety

🚨 Ordswap users, fear not! The platform has shared a tool to recover private keys amidst a domain control crisis 😅. Ordswap's website domain was compromised, but they're working hard to regain control. Meanwhile, users can retrieve their keys and move to other providers. Just beware of wallet-draining buttons lurking on the site! Stay safe, crypto enthusiasts! 💪 #Ordswap #PrivateKeys #CryptoSafety

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