Binance Square
🚨 Van Eck's recent report highlights a decline in Avalanche network's activity. Daily commission revenue in September dropped by 98.9% from two years ago, with TVL plunging from $10 billion to $500 million. Daily active users also saw a dip from 100k to 34k. Van Eck cites technological limitations and a less active developer community as challenges. 📉 #bitcoinworld #avalanche #cryptoanalysis

🚨 Van Eck's recent report highlights a decline in Avalanche network's activity. Daily commission revenue in September dropped by 98.9% from two years ago, with TVL plunging from $10 billion to $500 million. Daily active users also saw a dip from 100k to 34k. Van Eck cites technological limitations and a less active developer community as challenges. 📉 #bitcoinworld #avalanche #cryptoanalysis

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