Binance Square
🔬 Decrypt reports: VitaDAO, a decentralized project supporting scientific research, has founded a biotech firm named Matrix Biosciences. The company is set to collaborate with biologist Vera Gorbunova, known for her studies on mole rats and their anti-cancer traits. While VitaDAO operates on a decentralized model, Matrix Biosciences will function more traditionally, focusing on anti-cancer and anti-aging research. To kickstart their endeavors, VitaDAO is committing $300,000 to Matrix Bioscience. 🧬 #biotechnews #vitadao #matrixbiosciences #anticancerresearch

🔬 Decrypt reports: VitaDAO, a decentralized project supporting scientific research, has founded a biotech firm named Matrix Biosciences. The company is set to collaborate with biologist Vera Gorbunova, known for her studies on mole rats and their anti-cancer traits. While VitaDAO operates on a decentralized model, Matrix Biosciences will function more traditionally, focusing on anti-cancer and anti-aging research. To kickstart their endeavors, VitaDAO is committing $300,000 to Matrix Bioscience. 🧬 #biotechnews #vitadao #matrixbiosciences #anticancerresearch

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