Binance Square
jambu manis
🚨 Breaking News🚨 🌱 Hong Kong Stock Exchange launches blockchain based settlement platform. Linking Hong Kong stock markets with those in mainland China. 🇨🇳🔥 🌱 This is a huge step forward for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and for the blockchain industry as a whole. It shows that even the most traditional financial institutions are starting to see the value of blockchain technology. 🌱 I'm excited to see how this platform performs, and I believe it will be a major catalyst for the adoption of blockchain technology in the financial sector.

🚨 Breaking News🚨

🌱 Hong Kong Stock Exchange launches blockchain based settlement platform. Linking Hong Kong stock markets with those in mainland China. 🇨🇳🔥

🌱 This is a huge step forward for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and for the blockchain industry as a whole. It shows that even the most traditional financial institutions are starting to see the value of blockchain technology.

🌱 I'm excited to see how this platform performs, and I believe it will be a major catalyst for the adoption of blockchain technology in the financial sector.

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