Binance Square
Golden Ducky
According to the announcement on October 3, Binance will stop providing lending, lending, and staking services for BUSD on October 25. This move may have been expected, as Binance has delisted a series of BUSD trading pairs recently. Newly listed coins also no longer support trading with BUSD. Binance is gradually phasing out BUSD, as the BUSD issuer has been ordered to cease operations by the US government This marks the end of a golden age for BUSD, a stablecoin that was once among the top 3 largest stablecoins in the world by capitalization. 🔥 If you have busd assets, you should convert them to usdt.

According to the announcement on October 3, Binance will stop providing lending, lending, and staking services for BUSD on October 25.

This move may have been expected, as Binance has delisted a series of BUSD trading pairs recently. Newly listed coins also no longer support trading with BUSD.

Binance is gradually phasing out BUSD, as the BUSD issuer has been ordered to cease operations by the US government

This marks the end of a golden age for BUSD, a stablecoin that was once among the top 3 largest stablecoins in the world by capitalization.

🔥 If you have busd assets, you should convert them to usdt.

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