Binance Square
🚀 The SBF Trial is heating up! 🍿 Day one of witness testimony saw a Parisian cocoa trader claim he never expected FTX to touch his funds, while prosecutors painted Sam Bankman-Fried as a calculating villain. Defense attorneys argue the relationship between Alameda Research and FTX was neither secret nor illegal. Will the trial reveal more about the inner workings of the crypto world? Share your thoughts below! ⬇️ #SBFTrial #CryptoDrama

🚀 The SBF Trial is heating up! 🍿 Day one of witness testimony saw a Parisian cocoa trader claim he never expected FTX to touch his funds, while prosecutors painted Sam Bankman-Fried as a calculating villain. Defense attorneys argue the relationship between Alameda Research and FTX was neither secret nor illegal. Will the trial reveal more about the inner workings of the crypto world? Share your thoughts below! ⬇️ #SBFTrial #CryptoDrama

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