Binance Square
Crypto Zaggy
MATIC TRADE RESTRUCTURES!!! I hope we exited the MATIC trade as called? Monitoring the market, I figured a possible restructure and that was why I asked we exit around 0.5820 despite being in entry zone. Some closed with profits while some didn't. This is why we need to monitor trades, Don't trade with emotions, exit market when it restructures except you choose to wait for a new change which is a 50/50. I would have loved we trade again today but Market is slow today and I advise we stay off. I won't be posting another signal till tomorrow. Tomorrow we go again!!! THE CRYPTO MARKET IS ACTING FUNNY THIS WEEK but we will have the last laugh😂


I hope we exited the MATIC trade as called?

Monitoring the market, I figured a possible restructure and that was why I asked we exit around 0.5820 despite being in entry zone.

Some closed with profits while some didn't.

This is why we need to monitor trades, Don't trade with emotions, exit market when it restructures except you choose to wait for a new change which is a 50/50.

I would have loved we trade again today but Market is slow today and I advise we stay off.

I won't be posting another signal till tomorrow. Tomorrow we go again!!!

THE CRYPTO MARKET IS ACTING FUNNY THIS WEEK but we will have the last laugh😂

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