Binance Square
The Data Nerd, a cryptocurrency on-chain analyst, reported that an address withdrew a significant amount of ANT (Aragon) tokens totaling 572,000 ANT, which is approximately equivalent to $2.85 million, from a wallet. This withdrawal occurred at a price of $4.98 per ANT. Notably, this address had previously withdrawn 767,000 ANT (about $3.24 million) back in June. These movements suggest significant activity related to the ANT token, but it's essential to consider the broader context and market dynamics when interpreting such transactions in the cryptocurrency space.

The Data Nerd, a cryptocurrency on-chain analyst, reported that an address withdrew a significant amount of ANT (Aragon) tokens totaling 572,000 ANT, which is approximately equivalent to $2.85 million, from a wallet. This withdrawal occurred at a price of $4.98 per ANT. Notably, this address had previously withdrawn 767,000 ANT (about $3.24 million) back in June. These movements suggest significant activity related to the ANT token, but it's essential to consider the broader context and market dynamics when interpreting such transactions in the cryptocurrency space.

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