Binance Square
The SEC has once again delayed its decision on approving spot Bitcoin ETFs, despite calls from US Representatives. Decisions on spot Ether ETFs from VanEck and ARK 21Shares have been postponed until Dec. 25 and Jan. 10, respectively. Meanwhile, a Chinese court has recognized Bitcoin as a unique and non-replicable digital asset. In Taiwan, the Financial Supervisory Commission has banned unregistered foreign crypto exchanges from operating in the country. Lastly, Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission plans to list "suspicious" crypto platforms to help the public identify unregulated virtual asset trading platforms.

The SEC has once again delayed its decision on approving spot Bitcoin ETFs, despite calls from US Representatives. Decisions on spot Ether ETFs from VanEck and ARK 21Shares have been postponed until Dec. 25 and Jan. 10, respectively. Meanwhile, a Chinese court has recognized Bitcoin as a unique and non-replicable digital asset. In Taiwan, the Financial Supervisory Commission has banned unregistered foreign crypto exchanges from operating in the country. Lastly, Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission plans to list "suspicious" crypto platforms to help the public identify unregulated virtual asset trading platforms.

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