Binance Square
HibikiRun (USDT) is a fresh free income. 500 USDT total reward at the following rate: 1,000 FC winners.FS Distribution: right away following an event You can see the raffle rules here. Please complete this form when you have finished the assignment. Each participant in the FCFS will get 0.5 USDT. Disclaimer: Before participating in any airdrop project, please conduct your own research (DYOR). Airdrops are also completely free. Sending a fee to get airdrop tokens is not necessary. Additionally, we don't advise you to put money into any new initiatives; instead, just free income.

HibikiRun (USDT) is a fresh free income.

500 USDT total reward at the following rate:

1,000 FC winners.FS

Distribution: right away following an event

You can see the raffle rules here.

Please complete this form when you have finished the assignment.

Each participant in the FCFS will get 0.5 USDT.

Disclaimer: Before participating in any airdrop project, please conduct your own research (DYOR). Airdrops are also completely free. Sending a fee to get airdrop tokens is not necessary. Additionally, we don't advise you to put money into any new initiatives; instead, just free income.

Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. Может содержать спонсируемый контент. См. Правила и условия.
Ответов: 38
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