Binance Square
DeFi Buzz
🚀DeFi fans, grab your popcorn! Paradigm, a top VC firm, is calling out the SEC for overstepping its boundaries in the Binance case. They say the SEC is trying to reshape the legal landscape without following proper rulemaking procedures. 🤔 😂In a hilarious twist, Circle (issuer of USDC) has joined the legal battle, arguing that stablecoins shouldn't be considered securities. They say people buy stablecoins for stability, not profits. What do you think? Is the SEC going too far? Are stablecoins securities? Let's discuss in the comments! 🗣️ #DeFi #Web3 #SEC #Binance #Paradigm #Circle #USDC

🚀DeFi fans, grab your popcorn! Paradigm, a top VC firm, is calling out the SEC for overstepping its boundaries in the Binance case. They say the SEC is trying to reshape the legal landscape without following proper rulemaking procedures. 🤔

😂In a hilarious twist, Circle (issuer of USDC) has joined the legal battle, arguing that stablecoins shouldn't be considered securities. They say people buy stablecoins for stability, not profits.

What do you think? Is the SEC going too far? Are stablecoins securities? Let's discuss in the comments! 🗣️

#DeFi #Web3 #SEC #Binance #Paradigm #Circle #USDC

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