Binance Square
#Bitcoin shows #bearish signs as #ETF approvals get delayed The delay in the SEC’s decision-making process caused $BTC ’s weighted sentiment to drop. Most of BTC’s metrics and market #indicators suggested the possibility of a price correction.  Bitcoin [BTC] ETFs have been a topic of discussion for quite some time now. Now, it has been revealed that BTC ETFs might get delayed further.  This news put a dampener on BTC, which failed to breach the $27,000 mark. Notably, the king coin meandered around the $26,500 – $27,000 mark over the last week.

#Bitcoin shows #bearish signs as #ETF approvals get delayed

The delay in the SEC’s decision-making process caused $BTC ’s weighted sentiment to drop.

Most of BTC’s metrics and market #indicators suggested the possibility of a price correction. 

Bitcoin [BTC] ETFs have been a topic of discussion for quite some time now. Now, it has been revealed that BTC ETFs might get delayed further. 

This news put a dampener on BTC, which failed to breach the $27,000 mark. Notably, the king coin meandered around the $26,500 – $27,000 mark over the last week.

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